Now that we’re well into Taurus Season, all zodiac signs are likely to be in the mood to deepen their connection to earth, to their values, and to their body. This is particularly the case because Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all in Taurus at the same time as the Sun and the Moon, making fixed earth energy a dominating force in the cosmos this week. All zodiac signs will feel an increased amount of passion coursing through them, but we’ll also be reacting in more stubborn and temperamental ways. 

The highlight of this week is the Taurus new moon occurring at 11:22 p.m. EST on Tuesday May 7. This lunation encourages us to tap into our physical senses in order to create a deeper sense of security and self-trust, which will then ripple over on a collective level and will encourage us to reflect on ways to make Earth feel like a safer place to live. Profound evolution can occur on personal and societal levels these next six months if we’re intentional about where we’re directing our time, resources, and energy and if we keep standing up against what’s inherently harmful. It’s up to us. 

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, this week’s Taurus new moon activates your sector of money and security, making it prime time for you to get your finances in order. These next six months provide you with the foundation necessary to start fresh if you’ve felt overwhelmed financially. The key is to break things down into step-by-step action items that you can do to create a greater sense of stability and structure in your personal and professional budget. 

Since this is Pluto’s first full week retrograde in Aquarius, your social circle will also be on your mind this week. People from your past may hit you up and ask to reconcile your relationship or reconnect. Check in with yourself to see if you have capacity to hold space for people who may have once left you hanging. Yes, we’re all evolutionary beings, but with Mars currently in your sign for the next five weeks, you’re feeling a bit more selfish with your energy, and that’s perfectly acceptable. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Happy new moon, Taurus! On the 7th your annual new moon strikes, helping you get out of whatever funk you may have been experiencing during the first days of May. You’ll have the feeling of seeing yourself from a completely refreshed perspective, allowing you to be kinder and more compassionate with yourself, your inner child, and people around you. 

With Pluto spending its first full week retrograde in your career sector, you may be reflecting on moments when you were way too tough on yourself professionally speaking, which may have led to burnout or deeply rooted frustration. Use this retrograde to reimagine what your career path would look like if you chose to approach it from the spirit of play rather than pain. What would it feel like to choose the path of least resistance? Take time this week to set your new moon intentions, and use Mars’ presence in Aries in your spirituality sector to make sure your intentions are aligned with your intuitive awareness of what’s best for you. 

Gemini Sun & Rising:

This Taurus new moon week activates your sector of spirituality and healing, Gemini. You’ll be in a more homebody mood during this lunation, but at the same time, Mars’ presence in Aries is activating your sector of friendship and could lead to people hitting you up left and right and seeking your attention. Since Venus, the Planet of Love and Connection, is also in Taurus in your solitude sector, chances are that you’d benefit from saying no to too many requests. Your spirit needs time to rest and recharge. 

Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, spends its first week retrograde in Aquarius. This activates your sector of travel and long journeys, which means a part of you may be taking a trip down memory lane this week and remembering some of your favorite experiences. What can you do to reignite that spark that you once felt back then? Instead of feeling like you’re missing out, start brainstorming ways to bring more adventurousness into your life through the events you go to, the books you read, and the movies you watch. You don’t have to book a flight, but you can travel in other ways. 

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, as a moon-ruled being you’ll feel quite attuned to the energy of this week’s Taurus new moon which activates your sector of friendship and social networks. If you’ve had to share a special project digitally, this is the week to put yourself out there on social platforms, including ones you may not be utilizing as much, such as LinkedIn. You’d benefit from experimenting with various forms of self-expression, especially with Mars, the Planet of Action, currently in Aries and causing you to step out of your comfort zone, whether you feel completely ready to or not. 

Pluto spends its first week retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of depth and merging. Past collaborators may resurface in your life, itching for another chance to work with you. It’s advised to take your time to see what the pros and cons of your last project(s) were, and to also check in with your body when it comes to how you feel about working with that person or those people again. Your gut instincts are likely to tell you everything you need to know. Trust yourself, don’t second-guess yourself. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, this week’s Taurus new moon strikes in your career sector, encouraging you to slow your roll, professionally speaking. Mars’ presence in Aries has supercharged you with different ideas and ambitions, but having the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus all in Taurus is also encouraging you to make sure that you’re not rushing to the finish line. You may need to set new intentions regarding what success looks and feels like for you, beyond material gain. 

Meanwhile, Pluto’s first full week retrograde in Aquarius may lead to you reflecting on the successes and challenges of your past and current relationships. You’re being invited to be more adaptable and clear when it comes to the way you show up for your loved ones and the way you want them to show up for you. Mars’ presence in Aries can help you vocalize your needs with confidence, but make sure you hold space for your loved ones to do the same, without you getting defensive if they have constructive feedback. It’s all a learning and growing experience… 

Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, this week Mercury ends its post-shadow period of its retrograde, so you may feel like the brain fog you’ve been dealing with is finally starting to clear. Perfect timing, because the Taurus new moon on the 7th strikes in your sector of expansion and travel, encouraging you to plan a dream trip between now and the next six months. You deserve to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and do more of what your heart’s been craving, so make sure you set intentions this week that prioritize your bliss. 

With Pluto spending its first full week retrograde in Aquarius, your mind will be on your health and wellness routines. This would be an ideal week to be proactive about your health and wellbeing, whether that’s booking a checkup you’ve been avoiding or (re)connecting with a therapist to ensure that your mental needs are being met. There’s so much that you’ve been dealing with behind the scenes, and since Pluto is the planet of the underworld, a lot of your subconscious fears, insecurities, and blockages may reemerge during this five-month retrograde. Be patient with yourself and have compassion for whatever feelings come up at this time. 

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this week’s Taurus new moon brings out your Venusian qualities, especially since your planetary ruler Venus is currently in Taurus at the same time as the new moon (as well as the Sun, Jupiter, and Uranus). This Taurus stellium activates your sector of depth, merging, and collaborations. If you play your cards right, you may end up doubling or tripling your income and increasing your revenue streams within the next six months, based on the intentions you choose to set and act on this week and beyond. 

This also means that you may need to find some new partners with whom to create or make money, Libra. This is especially due to the fact that the south node is in your sign, swiftly removing anyone that you’ve outgrown from your orbit or timeline, even if you tend to be a people-pleaser. Accept that this new moon means you’re entering a fresh chapter of your life, and things are going to look and feel different from now on. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

This week’s Taurus new moon takes place in your partnership sector, Scorpio, encouraging you to be crystal clear about what your most ideal relationship with yourself and others feels and flows like. Imagine that you have a blank canvas on which you can paint your dream life — who would be living that life with you, and what qualities and energy would they be contributing to your experience? You’re encouraged to let go of your need to figure out how and when it’s all going to happen, and rather tap into why you want it to happen. The Universe will take care of the rest. 

Pluto’s first full week retrograde in Aquarius may have you in a distant state of mind this week, as you’re being called to evaluate ways that you’ve previously sabotaged your own success due to your fear of failure (or even your fear of success). Instead of beating yourself up about moments of past paralysis or self-destruction, Pluto’s asking you to be brave and rise from your ashes. This doesn’t have to happen overnight. This is a five-month retrograde so you can take your time during your rebirth, but the key is to not stay stuck in old ways. Bloom beyond your apprehensions. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

This second week of May brings forth the Taurus new moon, Sag, and since your planetary ruler Jupiter is currently in Taurus until the 25th, you’re feeling a strong emphasis on taking care of your mental and physical health. This is the week to weed out distractions and unhealthy habits, especially if you’ve been meaning to do so since the start of the year but you kept putting it off. We’re two weeks away from your annual full moon, so spend the days after May 7 setting specific intentions regarding the new and evolved being you’d like to become. 

With Pluto spending its first week retrograde in Aquarius, your desire to create and express yourself imaginatively deepens significantly this week. Get out your journal or paintbrush, let yourself sing in the shower, or indulge in a creative hobby that you used to adore when you were younger. The more you let your inner child explore life’s wonders in innovative ways, the more in tune you’ll feel with the world within and around you. 

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, this week’s Taurus new moon encourages you to play more. You’ll be in the mood to indulge in leisure, especially since the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus are all in this sector of your chart all at once. This week is ideal for brainstorming ways to minimize what’s on your to-do list in order to give yourself more time to breathe and expand your current circumstances. 

Pluto’s first full week retrograde in Aquarius is activating your money sector, so if you find yourself stuck in scarcity-based mindsets when looking at your bank account, know that this isn’t a permanent feeling… It’s normal to have insecurities during retrogrades, but the new moon energy can help you remember that there are several ways to measure wealth in your life. You can measure wealth by how much presence you have with your loved ones, by how many deep breaths you take, by how much sleep you get. Dare to reimagine what it means to be wealthy, and soon financial wealth will simultaneously flow into your life. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, with Pluto spending its first full week retrograde in your sign, you’ll be in a mellow and low-key mood. The Taurus new moon on the 7th intensifies your desire to stay close to home and not get caught up in drama or distractions. Your sector of roots, domesticity, and the past is activated by the Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus all in Taurus. “Less is more” should be your mantra for the week. Take a break from your usual routine. Allow yourself to spend all day resting in bed at least one day this week. Turn off your phone and spend more time meditating, looking at the trees swaying in the wind… Simplicity will feel healing for you. 

The intentions you set this new moon week will most likely have to do with finding ways to feel more at ease with your family, or cultivating deeper ties to your chosen family. You’re known as the rebel of the zodiac, the unconventional hermit, but with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius you’re also realizing how solitary your journey can be. But it doesn’t always have to be. If you put out the right call, the right people will answer… 

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this week’s Taurus new moon stimulates your sector of communication and creativity, making the course of the next six months one of your most sensitive and artistic periods of the year. The intentions you set around May 7 will help kickstart a fertile and imaginative time for you artistically and personally. You’re in the mood to experiment with life and with the concept of creation, and with Saturn and Neptune both in your sign you have the green light to view life as your playground. 

Pluto’s first full week retrograde in Aquarius is activating your sector of spirituality and closure, so you may benefit from spending time on your own this week rather than tending to other people’s needs. Keep a dream journal near your bed because your subconscious mind is likely to be super active around this time. Your mission this week is to pay attention to the signs and synchronicities in your dreams while also finding practical ways to remain grounded and in touch with reality. 

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