The first new moon of 2024 is upon us, cosmic beings. From the 7th to the 11th, we’re in the dark-of-the-moon period, meaning our inner fears, insecurities, or weaknesses may be more evident than usual — at least to us. This is an opportunity to acknowledge and integrate your shadow side before the new moon strikes.

Then on January 11, the Capricorn new moon kicks off a six-month chapter of renewal when it comes to the structures and foundations we’re putting in place to manifest our dream realities, both personally, and as a collective. Pluto, the Planet of Transformation, and Mars, the Planet of Action, are in Capricorn during this lunation, practically guaranteeing that if we stay focused on our most important priorities and set intentions regarding what moves to make, then our lives will experience significant upgrades.

Juno’s retrograde starts this weekend, in the sign of Virgo. Juno’s the asteroid of marriage, so this retrograde could lead to us being too self-critical or critical of current, past, or potential partners. Yes it’s important to hold yourself accountable and others for the growth you’d like to experience, but in the end, it’s all an experience you’re meant to be present with, so take a deep breath whenever you find yourself micromanaging.

Read your horoscopes for your sun and rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

This week’s Capricorn new moon on the 11th initiates a fresh start in your career trajectory, Aries. But in the days before it strikes, you could find yourself being way too tough on yourself if you made a mistake at work recently, or if you feel underestimated in any way. Instead of bottling it all up inside, get out a journal or make an appointment with a therapist so that you can healthily release pent-up emotions ahead of the new moon.

Then once the new moon strikes, get clear about what changes you’re ready to bring forth in your professional life these next six months — the more specific, the better. Focus on making a minimal amount of high-level moves, and soon you’ll see the positive shifts.

Juno, the asteroid of soul bonds, begins its retrograde in Virgo on the 12th, in your sector
of health and wellness. More than ever you’re seeking the type of romantic partner(s)
who cares for your physical health, and for their own. Juno’s retrograde may have you
considering distancing yourself or breaking up with people who haven’t been doing the
work to stay healthy, or who are weighing you down psychology.

Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, this week’s Capricorn new moon occurs on the 11th in your sector of long distance journeys and expansion. It’s an ideal time to plan a trip that you’ll be taking within the next six months, particularly if it’s an international one. Jupiter’s shift direct in your sign is helping you be more adventurous and open to new discoveries, so allow this new moon to awaken you to the infinite possibilities.

Once the asteroid Juno begins its retrograde in your fellow earth sign of Virgo this Friday, you may start re-evaluating some of your most recent romantic decisions or second-guessing your encounters. If you’re in a relationship, use this retrograde to ask each other the questions that you may not have gotten to during your initial courting or dating period. The challenge here will be to remain non-judgmental and be open to hearing each other out without taking certain revelations personally.

Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, this is Mercury’s final week in Sagittarius, activating your partnership sector. Your mission this new moon week is to have fun, even if the Capricorn energy in the cosmos is also making you feel like you’re running behind. The more you stress yourself out about imaginary timelines, the less fun you’ll have, and the more boring your life will be. Find a balance between being productive and simply being present with life’s possibilities.

The Capricorn new moon on the 11th is also one of the best moments of the year for focusing on financial planning, particularly if you tend to avoid doing so. You don’t have to do this work alone — either join a finance accountability support group, or if you can afford to get a financial advisor, you’d benefit from beginning that process within ten days of the New Moon.

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this week’s Capricorn new moon puts a focus on your relationships and partnerships. With Mars, the Planet of Sex, also in Capricorn (as well as Pluto, the Planet of Transformation), you’ll find it challenging to think about anything other than your love or social life. Indulge in this more romantic side of you, although you’ll also be prone to overthinking, which could be a buzzkill. Tap into Venus and Mercury’s presence in Sag and maintain a spirit of lightheartedness and humor in your romantic encounters.

Juno’s shift retrograde in Virgo on the 12th activates your sector of communication,
allowing you to process unhealed wounds from past relationships. Now is the time to
address these, either by yourself, with a therapist, or with your partner(s) if you feel
emotionally safe with them. But do not ruminate on the past, Cancer… Be here now.

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, this week’s Capricorn new moon highlights your sector of outside resources and merging, allowing you to strategize what your wealth-building plan is for the next six months. If you’ve been wanting to apply for grants, investments, or scholarships, set the intention to do so between now and January 21 — that’s when you’ll feel the most of this new moon magic, and six months from now you may be skipping your way to the bank.

This Friday, Juno’s retrograde in Virgo occurs in your sector of finances and security. If you’re in an intimate relationship or friendship with someone with whom you’re in financial collaborations, this would be time to make sure everything’s in order and that you’ve reviewed your finances and are on the same page. If not, this Juno retrograde could lead to hiccups occurring in this realm of your life, which could later destabilize the partnership.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

How can you allow yourself to have more fun, Virgo? The Capricorn new moon on the 11th is asking you that very question. Yes, you’re a mastermind planner and organizer, but you’re also a perfectionist and the most critical sign of the zodiac. With so many planets in earth signs right now, chances are that you’re letting your need to be in control get the best of you. This new moon invites you to breathe easy, ground yourself, and simply play. Do something mid-week — such as playing hooky from work or taking a mental health day — that allows you to focus on your bliss, and nothing else.

Another reason to lay low and mellow out this week is that Juno, the asteroid of soul bonds and commitment, begins its retrograde in your sign on the 12th. This retrograde has you evaluating what your commitment to your own self is. Before saying yes to other people’s needs, check in with yourself and see if you’re adequately prioritizing your own.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, this week’s Capricorn new moon encourages you to focus more on your home and family life rather than your social life. But at the same time, Venus and Mars’ current placement in Sag activates your sector of communication and ignites a desire to escape whenever things get too serious at home. Find a balance between being in hermit mode and letting loose at social events. Too much of either choice will feel destabilizing.

With Juno beginning its retrograde in your sector of spirituality on the 12th, you’ll be more
in tune with your inner voice this weekend, but it could also have you feeling nostalgic
and moody. This retrograde is asking you to question what partnership and commitment
really means to you, and if you have an escapist or avoidant partnership style, you may
want to intentionally put in the work to address and heal such patterns.

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, with both of your planetary rulers, Mars and Pluto, in Capricorn during this Capricorn new moon week, to say you’ll be feeling Capricorn-like is quite the understatement. This is your annual opportunity to get crystal-clear about what your objectives are for the next six months, and specifically write down the intentions you have for meeting those goals. View yourself as the CEO of your own life, and move accordingly.

On the 12th, Juno’s retrograde in Virgo activates your sector of friendship and social networks, so you may go through a beginning-of-year purge or cleaning spree on your social media accounts. Take a good look at who you engage with, who you don’t want to engage with, and who you don’t want to engage with you. You have the power to decide who’s in your orbit, and you’re just a few “unfollows” or “mutes” away from experiencing greater peace in your social life. Protect your energy and respect your own boundaries by trusting your instincts.

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, the Capricorn new moon on the 11th is one of the best periods of the year for creating strategies that bring sustainable wealth to your life. The key is to have fun as you think of these possibilities, and not view it as a burden or difficult task. All the Capricorn energy in the cosmos is encouraging you to pace yourself as you re-envision what’s possible for you financially. Venus and Mercury are in your sign, encouraging you to explore more than one option at once and see what feels most fulfilling to you before making a fixed decision.

With your planetary ruler Jupiter now direct in Taurus until May 25 (then in May it’ll enter Gemini for the next thirteen months), and Juno, the asteroid of marriage, beginning its retrograde in Virgo this Friday, you’re feeling a push and pull between your desire to shoot your shot at work, and your need to feel emotionally secure in your social life. Leveling up at work might mean spending less time with your friends, but Juno retrograde encourages you to be more discerning of who gets access to your energy, so if that means scaling back on some of the social invites, it could work out in your favor.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, if there were ever a time to be unapologetically self-focused, it’s now. You’re experiencing your annual new moon on the 11th, and the intentions you set between the 11th and the 21st position you for a six-month cycle of renewal. You may be sensing that your life is on the verge of a breakthrough, and the key is to use this lunation to envision what you want that breakthrough to look, feel, taste, smell, and sound like. You are the architect of your dream life, so get down to the nitty gritty details and design away.

Keep in mind that Pluto has just two weeks left in your sign before re-entering Aquarius
for an eight-month stretch. This may lead to you feeling like you’re experiencing a
significant shift in your consciousness, and that your perspective on life, and on yourself, is rapidly changing. Be kind to yourself during this period of transition, Capricorn, and don’t be afraid to set protective boundaries if people request too much of your energy.

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, prepare to receive several spiritual downloads this week, as the Capricorn new moon takes place in your sector of healing and spirituality on the 11th, and creates a portal-like opening to new dimensions in your subconscious brain. With Saturn — the new moon’s ruler, currently in Pisces stimulating your sector of money and self-esteem, the mission of this new moon will be to find some harmony between structure and imagination. Yes, you can use this Cap new moon to draft a five-year plan, but make sure enjoying yourself and keeping your inner child’s dreams alive is at the core of that plan.

With Juno, the asteroid of marriage, beginning its retrograde in Virgo on the 12th, you may feel protective of your assets and joint resources this weekend. You’ll want to do an audit of your long-term financial spending and saving habits, and while this will help you have a better picture of where you stand, it could also lead to you creating mountains out of molehills and becoming overly frugal in the process. Whenever you start to notice thoughts of scarcity creeping in, take a deep breath and focus on cultivating an abundance-mindset by reminding yourself that we live in an abundant universe.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, take the step by step approach to manifestation this new moon week. On the 11th, the Capricorn new moon strikes in your sector of friendship and social networks. Pluto and Mars are both currently in this part of your chart too, teaching you valuable lessons about trusting your instincts and cultivating the art of discernment. Use this new moon to be more discrete about your objectives and goals — only share them with people who have high-vibrational energy and whom you can tell truly want to see you win.

With Juno, the asteroid of marriage, beginning its retrograde in your opposite sign of Virgo on Friday 12th, you’ll find that your hopeless (or perhaps hopeful?) romantic side is re-emerging, even if you’ve been hurt in the past before. One of your planetary rulers Jupiter is now direct in Taurus, encouraging you to better communicate your needs and express what your standards are so that people who care about you can meet you where you’d like to be met. Don’t expect them to be mind-readers, Pisces. Not everyone is a natural-born psychic like you.

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