Your Horoscope This Week: February 25 To March 2


As February comes to an end, we’re still feeling the after effects of the potent Virgo Full Moon. This is an ideal time to tie up loose ends and consciously work on releasing  perfectionist behavior. Instead of being indecisive or fearing failure, we’re encouraged to trust our intuition — thanks to the sun, Mercury, and Neptune’s presence in Pisces — and take baby steps toward accomplishing our long-term goals. 

This is a relatively calm week, with the moon spending time in the signs of Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. The thematic energy is therefore about finding balance in our relationships, getting in touch with our deepest shadows, and then transmuting those shadows into enlightenment. Your mission is to give yourself and others grace as we enter the third month of the year. There’s still so much unfolding in our collective consciousness, and being kinder to ourselves will help us on our evolutionary journey. 

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

This second week of Pisces Season is all about self-reflection and self-forgiveness, Aries. Now that the Full Moon in Virgo energy is beginning to wane, you’re better able to understand the lessons that last week’s North Node-Chiron conjunction in your sign were trying to teach you. Chances are, you may have been suppressing some of your past trauma or pain in order to remain “strong.” But one of the strongest things you can do is bravely face your wounds and be willing to heal them. This week is an  invitation to do so, by practicing radical self-care. 

The moon’s presence in Libra from the 26th to 28th sheds light on your relationships. Are they harmonious and reciprocal? How do you feel about the energy exchange? Take time to reflect on these questions, and once the moon spends time in Scorpio from February 28th to March 2nd, you’ll bravely have heart-to-hearts with the parties involved, to ensure that both of your needs are met and that there’s clarity and transparency at the core of your relationships. 

Taurus Sun & Rising:

As February comes to an end, Taurus, you’re likely to feel both more practical and  whimsical due to the intuitive nature of Pisces Season. At the same time, having your  planetary ruler Venus currently in Aquarius can feel emotionally jarring because you may be overthinking different situations in your social and romantic life rather than trusting universal flow. Use the Libra Moon from February 26th to the 28th to tap into sensual activities such as getting a massage, gifting yourself flowers, or creating your favorite playlist.  

Then once the moon enters Scorpio on the 28th and remains there until March 2nd, you’ll be feeling more passionate, sexual, and intense. Make sure to direct those feelings toward healthy outlets rather than getting caught up in emotional extremes. The Pisces Sun will harmonize with the Scorpio Moon, allowing you to face your feelings head-on rather than run from them. This is a great time to take yourself out on a date, or to say yes to a romantic rendezvous with your bae(s).

Gemini Sun & Rising:

This second week of Pisces Season will feel more sensitive and imaginative for you,  Gemini, because your planetary ruler Mercury is now in Pisces. This Piscean energy is encouraging you to let go of logical or rational ways of reacting to the world, and tap more into your subconscious thoughts, allowing your vivid creativity and inner musings to lead the way. If all you do as the month of February begins is sleep and daydream, then you can consider that being productive.  

The moon’s presence in Libra from February 26th to the 28th helps you let go of financial concerns and focus more on having fun and creating art for the sake of self expression. If you can, join a community such as a stand-up comedy group or online support group, as it’ll help you open up your throat chakra and discover yourself more expansively. Once the moon shifts into Scorpio on the 28th, you’ll feel more focused on your health, which could lead to you needing time alone to rest and recharge.  

Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, this week you’re coming down from the Virgo Full Moon, which illuminated ways that you may have bent over backwards to help others without putting your own needs first. Use the Libra Moon at the start of the week to practice self-compassion and speak to yourself with love and affection. Now that you know better, you can move better. Once the moon shifts into Scorpio on the 28th, you’ll be in a more passionate and upbeat mood, and you’ll also feel slightly dangerous and flirtatious. If there’s someone you’ve been wanting to be intimate with, you have the green light to shoot your shot. 

The one caveat is that you’re still feeling a bit awkward with Venus, Mars, and Pluto all traveling through Aquarius right now, so sometimes you may get stuck in your head rather than letting your feelings freely flow. Spend this week practicing some sort of physical activity, such as sports or spending time walking through a forest. Remaining connected to the natural elements will help create greater harmony within and around you. 

Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the week begins with the Libra Moon encouraging you to be more creative and  open-minded. You may have felt a bit stuck in your ways and stubborn with all of the  Aquarius energy in the cosmos, but now that Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is in the Mutable sign of Pisces, you’re opening up to the unexpected routes that life is presenting you with, and that’s making your life feel more dreamy and mystical.  

Once the moon enters Scorpio on the 28th, your emotions deepen as you reflect on ways to add more intention to your domestic sector. If you’ve found it challenging to find a balance between your professional ambitions and your familial responsibilities, it’s best to have an open and transparent conversation with your family about this, rather than trying to figure everything out on your own. Perhaps all you need is a change in your routine, or greater support.

Virgo Sun & Rising:

How are you feeling now that your annual full moon has taken place, Virgo? Tapping into your emotions becomes more natural for you now that your planetary ruler Mercury has left Aquarius and entered Pisces for the next two weeks. It’s essential that you remain open to the right people helping you process the inner sensations within you — this is not the time to isolate yourself, as your sector of partnership and marriage is very activated by the sun, Mercury, and Neptune’s presence in Pisces. You  may even find that your crush, partner, or prospective lover appears this week, either in real life, or in your dreams.  

The moon’s presence in Libra from the 26th to the 28th helps you fine-tune your financial priorities through creating greater balance between the work you do for money, and the work you do simply because you’re passionate about it. Once the moon shifts into Scorpio on the 28th, you’ll realize how much it’s not enough to dream  about leveling up — you also have to embody the change that you wish to experience  in your life, and boldly speak it into existence. This would be an ideal time to create a vision board or take part in a manifestation ritual as February ends and March begins.

Libra Sun & Rising:

Libra, with the moon in your sign as the week begins, you’re feeling more confident and self-assured, especially since you had to face your inner wounds and insecurities during last week’s Virgo Full Moon and North Node-Chiron conjunction in Aries. This week will be much lighter emotionally for you, so take time to celebrate your evolution and focus on where you’d like to direct your energy and resources moving forward.  

Once the moon shifts out of your sign on the 28th and enters Scorpio, your focus is on your financial wellness. Take a look at what your budget and expenses were for  February. If you haven’t been budgeting since 2024 began (or ever), this is a good time to start better habits and create a budget for March and the upcoming months. You’re going to experience an eclipse in your sign at the end of March, which means you should gear up for unexpected experiences to potentially shake up life as you know it. This is the time to stay ready so that you don’t have to get ready. Do the due diligence. 

Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, as the week begins you’re likely to be in a spiritual cocoon of sorts, as the  Libra Moon is activating your sector of spirituality and healing, making you more sensitive to the energies within and around you. With Mercury, the Planet of Communication, now in Pisces for the next two weeks, you’re definitely experiencing higher sensations of intuitive awareness, making this an ideal week for immersing yourself in creative passion projects and letting your imagination lead the way. You may  find this practice to be deeply therapeutic and cathartic, as it allows you to release any emotional blockages as the full moon energy wanes.  

Once the moon enters your sign on the 28th and remains there until March 2nd, you’ll  notice yourself feeling more confident and passionate as February ends and March begins. Be honest with yourself about what your priorities are for the first three weeks of March, because eclipse season begins soon and your life may go through transformative shifts during the final week of March. This is definitely not the time to procrastinate and self-sabotage, Scorpio. It’s time to invest in yourself and commit to leveling up in every way. 

Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, now that the Virgo Full Moon energy is starting to wane, you’re likely to have greater clarity regarding where you’d like to direct your energy, particularly when it comes to your career path. The week begins with the Libra Moon activating your sector of friendship and social networks. If your job searching or seeking to start or scale your own business, tap into your online and in-person networks and let them know what you’re specifically looking for. Now that Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is in Pisces, you can attract more of what you want through telepathy and emotional sensitivity.  

Once the moon enters Scorpio on the 28th, your sector of spirituality and closure is activated. You’ll be in a more tender and introspective mood as February ends and March begins, so you may not want to be around too many people, as it’ll feel energetically intense. But once the moon enters your sign on Saturday morning, your energy levels will dramatically increase, allowing you to feel like your usual upbeat self and end the week with a feeling of gratitude and ease.

Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, as the week begins, the Libra Moon is helping you become aware of moments when you may have reacted too strongly to someone’s mistakes, leading to burnt bridges. Fortunately, now that Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is in Pisces and harmonizing with your earthy nature, you’re more prone to forgiving yourself and  others, so you may end up remedying situations that previously seemed unresolvable. Being able to let go of your need to be right is one of the most valuable skills you can tap into this week. 

Once the moon enters Scorpio on the 28th, your sector of friendship and social networks is activated, making it an ideal time to say yes to adventures — perhaps even wild or spicy ones. You’re seeking to switch up your usual routine, which may mean meeting new people at venues or events that you usually don’t go to. Allow the Scorpio Moon and Pisces Sun to help you open up your heart chakra and trust in the divine timing of the cosmos. Not everything always has to be fiercely controlled or  orchestrated. Let the universe surprise you with the blessings it’s bringing into your life. 

Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, since Venus and Mars are still in your sign, as well as Pluto, this post full moon week is all about creating greater strategy and structure when it comes to reaching your long-term goals. Mercury, the Planet of Communication, is now in Pisces for the next two weeks, activating your sector of money. This means that in order to  attract or increase abundance, you should be in tune with your deepest emotions and making your decisions from a heart-centered place rather than from a strictly intellectual or logical place. Spend time near Water Signs this week to learn how it’s done. 

Once the moon enters Scorpio on the 28th and squares off with the several planets that are in your sign, you may feel overwhelmed by all the emotions you’ve been working on facing. Balance out all the Water energy in the cosmos through tapping into the elements of earth and fire through physical activity and creative expression. Go out for a walk or host a party. Remind yourself that you’re not the only one experiencing this emotional rollercoaster, so you might as well ride it out in community.

Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces Season keeps going strong this week, especially now that Mercury, the Planet of  Communication, has entered your sign for the next two weeks. Having the sun, Mercury, and Neptune all in Pisces is increasing your magnetism and emotional  awareness, making it even easier for you to tell what people’s true intentions are. Your mission is to not make excuses for unhealthy behavior — whether that behavior is coming from you or those around you. While it may be challenging for you to set boundaries, having Venus, Mars, and Pluto all in Aquarius can help you do so, breath by breath. 

You’re likely still feeling the after effects of last week’s Virgo Full Moon, which may have caused upheaval in your love and social life. This week is an ideal time to start picking  up the pieces and processing the lessons that this lunation taught you. The moon’s presence in Scorpio from the 28th to March 2nd is an ideal opportunity to step out of your comfort zone and experience something new, either through the food you eat, the media you consume, or the places you travel to. By allowing yourself to see the world  through a fresh set of eyes, you’ll realize that what you previously thought were major concerns may not actually be as big of a deal as you had made them out to be. Breathe, Pisces. Let go and release. 

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