Ready for the final full moon before eclipse and retrograde season begins? Monday the 6th, the Libra full moon lights up the skies, helping humanity integrate greater harmony, equilibrium, and imagination into our lives.

This lunation marks a period of culmination concerning events that took place during the Libra new moon in September 2022. We’d all benefit from taking time to honor the way we’ve evolved these past six months. The Virgo moon encourages us to choose the simpler route when decision-making.

Mercury shifts into Taurus on the 3rd, adding structure and sensuality to our  communication styles. When you combine this transit with Mars’ presence in the emotionally resilient sign of Cancer, we may be feeling more tender and vulnerable on the outside, while pretending to have it all together on the outside. By the time the Libra full moon strikes the morning of the 6th, our self-protective guards will most likely have fallen down.  

In the aftermath of the full moon, we’ll start to feel Mercury retrograde’s pre-shadow period, as the next Mercury retrograde begins the 21st of April. This weekend, we’d benefit from keeping our schedules low-key while allowing our intuitive awareness to be strengthened by the Scorpio moon.  

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, your solar season is energizing you and helping you set clearly defined objectives in your personal life.

This week’s Libra full moon activates your sector of partnership and marriage,  encouraging you to face some truths about key relationships, with the spirit of reciprocity and open exchange. Your mission is to not let your pride or stubbornness get the best of you in the  process.  

The days following the full moon are about integrating the lessons through intense self-reflection. The moon will be in Scorpio, helping you make space for emotions you thought you had already worked through. Tend to your shadow just as much, if not more, as you tend to your light. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, on Monday 3rd, Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your sign for several months (it’s staying in your sign longer than usual due to an upcoming retrograde taking place in your sign on the 21st).

Your mindset will be sharper this week, but as we approach the retrograde you may feel less focused, so try to get key objectives complete sooner rather than later.  

The Libra full moon activates your Venusian side, so you’re likely to feel more sentimental, yet also greater emotional detachment, during this full moon week.

Once the moon enters Scorpio this weekend though, your passionate nature emerges in an even fiercer way, leading you to reveal your vulnerabilities in your most important connections. The more honest you are with  yourself and others, the more irresistible you’ll be (and feel). ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising


Gemini, you’re still adjusting to Mars’ presence in Cancer, after a 7-month stay through your sign. This week’s Libra full moon provides you with cosmic (and comic) relief, helping you process shifts in your relationships that have occurred over the course of the past six months. You may find closure regarding a situation that started around August 2022, and this will help you breathe easy. 

This weekend, the Scorpio moon activates your sector of wellness, and since the south node, symbol of our karmic past, is also in Scorpio, you’re being invited to dive deep into hidden psychological territory. If you’ve been in denial about certain aspects of your reality, you’ll have a wake-up call that encourages you to face yourself and transcend your fears, breath by breath.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, you’re deeply influenced by the transits of the moon, and this week’s Libra full moon brings up conflicts or emotionally intense experiences in your family dynamic. 

Now that Saturn, the planet of challenge, is in your fellow water sign of Pisces, you’re  encouraged to use your intuitive awareness to consistently reveal what’s on your mind. Pluto’s presence in Aquarius activates your sector of depth and intimacy, further helping you “go there.” 

By the time the Libra full moon strikes on the 6th, you’ll feel relieved by your ability to let it all out. And once the moon enters Scorpio this weekend, all you’ll be in the mood to do is laugh and let go of your worries. Yes, eclipse season may be upon us, but make it your mission to focus on the  now moment instead. You’ve traversed so much — breathe and be here.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, you’ve been chillin’ and observing life behind-the-scenes these past few months, largely due to the fact that there aren’t currently that many planets transiting your sign.

This week’s Libra full moon activates your communication sector though, so it may be time to speak up and take the  lead, the way you were born to do. An exciting leadership position or creative opportunity may  present itself to you in the four days preceding and following the full moon — if it lights you up, then say yes! 

This weekend, the Scorpio moon shifts your attention to your domestic sector. There’s someone who’s been on your mind a lot lately, but you’ve been giving them space and respecting their boundaries. They’re likely to reach out to you by week’s end, almost telepathically.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, life’s likely to feel trippy for you this week, with the Libra full moon activating your sector of money and self-esteem and encouraging you to loosen your grip on the need to control yourself  and your environment. This of course, is easier said than done, especially once your planetary ruler, Mercury, shifts into the hard-headed sign of Taurus on the 2nd. 

You may have less patience with yourself and others as the week begins, as we’re entering Mercury retrograde’s pre-shadow period. Give yourself as much time alone as necessary to process your full moon feels.  

Keep in mind that Saturn, the planet of challenge, is in your opposite sign of Pisces right now, and this adds pressure on your relationships. This weekend’s Scorpio moon lights up your communication sector and encourages you to let your feelings be known rather than bottling them up inside.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Happy full moon week, Libra! We tend to feel the effects of full moons up to four days before they take place, and this week’s full moon occurs in your sign at 12:34am EST on the 6th of April. You’ll be in the mood to reinvent yourself fully, especially with Jupiter, the planet of luck, currently in your  opposite sign of Aries.  

Think back to where you were in life back in September 2022 — a turning point or sense of  closure is likely to be found this week.

You’ll either be in a period of celebration, mourning, or perhaps both. Take time to process with this lunar journey taught you, while acknowledging what you have yet to learn.  

This weekend, the Scorpio moon helps you define financial priorities for this second quarter of the year. With Mercury retrograde just a few weeks away, it may make sense to review your spending habits from Q1 and make modifications as needed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to others for support — Pluto’s presence in Aquarius encourages community learning rather than doing it all solo.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, this week’s Libra full moon activates the most subconscious and private part of your chart, which allows you to work on integrating your shadow. This means you’ll be able to be so honest with yourself about your flaws, mistakes, and even your downright malicious sides, and doing so will help you humanize and love yourself more fiercely.  

Your mission this full moon week is to be radically honest with yourself and others. Saturn’s presence in Pisces is helping sweeten your approach to communication and connection, so even when you reveal aspects of yourself that could be considered scary, you’ll still be deeply lovable.  

Once the moon shifts into your sign this weekend, you’ll seek moments of seclusion and introspection to take in all of the full moon’s lessons. The next full moon will be a lunar eclipse in your sign on May 5th, and it’s likely that you can already feel that immense transformation is on the horizon. Make room for what’s to come by clearing out what’s no longer needed.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the Libra full moon activates your sector of community and technology, so whatever digital endeavor you’ve been focused on these past six months is likely to reach a significant turning point.

Some Sags may choose to be less dependent on technology or social media, and more 
present in the “real” world. You may feel called to take a tech detox or to deactivate some of your social media accounts this week — get curious about how such a break makes you feel.  

This weekend, the Scorpio moon activates your sector of spirituality, healing, and closure. Since the full moon energy will still be going strong, you’ll be more sensitive to hidden desires and unprocessed pain that may be lingering in your subconscious.

You’re invited to find a therapeutic outlet to release it (such as journaling or kickboxing), at the pace that feels right to you.  

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, you’ve been a quiet observer of the changes happening around and within you, and with this week’s full moon taking place in your fellow cardinal sign of Libra, you’ll strangely be more open to surprises and innovations, including those that seem to be coming out of the blue.  

This change in perspective can be credited to Pluto’s presence in Aquarius — this planetary shift feels like a breath of fresh air for you, because Pluto had previously been in your sign for 14 years, leading you to taking yourself, and life, very seriously.  

This week is about relaxation, surrender, and trusting in the beauty of the unknown. Not all moments will feel comfortable, especially when the Libra full moon’s energy is at its peak the morning of the 6th. But once the moon enters Scorpio this weekend, your sector of community will be activated, helping you feel emotionally supported and seen by your most intimate friends. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, Pluto’s presence in your sign has led to even more innovative ideas coursing through your mind, and this week’s Libra full moon stimulates the part of your chart that has to do with publishing, media, travel, philosophy, and spirituality.

You may connect with a like-minded group  of individuals who have a similar vision as you, and together you could go much further than you would on your own.  

Use this weekend’s Scorpio moon to check in with yourself emotionally — have you cultivated a sense of balance between how much you pour into your career and how much presence you feel outside of societal obligations?

If things feel imbalanced in various sectors of your life, end the week with the intention to recalibrate and streamline the essentials before Mercury retrograde begins.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, this week will mark one month since Saturn, the planet of challenge, entered your sign. In many ways, you’re going through a rite of passage between now and 2025 — one that’s pushing you to dimensions you never anticipated.  

This week’s Libra full moon activates your sector of depth and merging, helping you open yourself up to love and connection in a more expansive way than before. People in your orbit who are emotionally tuned in will hear your cries for help and will be willing to help you. Your mission, Pisces, is to allow yourself to be helped. Let yourself be poured into the way you pour so selflessly into others. 

Once the moon enters Scorpio this weekend, adventure and travel will be on your mind. It’s an ideal time to plan a vacation or staycation somewhere near or far, or, if physical travel isn’t an option, spend the weekend traveling through literature, cinema, music, or food. A new world  awaits. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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