Welcome to the last full week of Pisces season! We’re on the brink of the astrological new year (which begins March 20, the first day of Aries season), so all zodiac signs may be feeling the desire to tie up loose ends and create more order in their lives. Some pre-spring cleaning is advised this week, especially as the energy of last week’s Virgo full moon is waning.  

However, Saturn’s newly established presence in Pisces may have us more in the mood to dream than to be productive — but at the same time, Saturn in Pisces is here to help us redefine what productivity even means. Remember that closing your eyes and drifting off to la la land is also a form of productivity. Dreaming, resting, and meditating are portals to peace.  

This weekend, the Aquarius moon encourages you to find like-minded people to bounce ideas off of. While Pisces season increases our levels of introspection, the Aquarius moon reminds us that we’re never as alone as we may initially think.  

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, this week you’ll be adjusting to the asteroid Juno’s presence in Taurus, which activates your sector of security and self-esteem. Since Juno is the asteroid of marriage, many Aries placements will be cultivating and investing in connections that make them feel emotionally secure.  

But also check in with yourself this week — with Jupiter spending two more months in your sign, it’s possible that you’ve been more focused on your own needs above all, even more than usual. Are you putting in the work to consistently make those you love feel secure too? 

On Thursday 16, Venus, the planet of love and magnetism, joins Juno in the sign of  Taurus, further activating your money and values sector. With Jupiter in your sign and Venus in Taurus, you can become a money magnet — but you have to get strategic when it comes to wealth-building. Take time this week to create a game plan, which you’ll launch once your birthday season begins next week.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, this is a major week for you, as Juno spends its first full week in your sign, followed by Venus, your planetary ruler, entering your sign on the 16th. Venus is the planet of love and magnetism, so you’re likely to feel a boost in your self-esteem this week — make the most of it!  

If you have an important presentation to make, or if you feel ready to profess your love to the person you’re swooning over, you have the green light to do so, especially from Thursday onwards.  

Mid-week, the Capricorn moon helps ground you, allowing you to think clearly about the goals you’re ready to set in place in the astro new year. If you’re exploring entrepreneurship, use these days to clarify or create a business plan for the next three months. It’s best to get your affairs in order now before retrograde season picks back up next month. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising


Gemini, your spirituality sector is activated this week, as Juno’s presence in Taurus asks you to face your insecurities when it comes to being vulnerable in your relationships.

On the 16th, Venus, the planet of love and magnetism, also enters Taurus, and you may retreat into your own world around this time.  

With Mars spending its final two weeks in your sign, trust your intuitive insights — especially if they’re bringing attention to a topic or experience that makes you uncomfortable. It’s best to face these discomforts head on before the astro new year begins so you can clear the air and  make room for what you’d rather experience.  

This weekend, the Aquarius moon helps you lighten up and focus on a passion project or  hobby you had previously neglected. Put your phone on airplane mode, turn on your favorite playlist, and let your imagination take you to new dimensions.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, how are you feeling now that the final full moon of the astro cycle has come and gone? 

This week feels like a crossroads of sorts for you (periods between full moons and new moons often have that effect on you since you’re ruled by the moon).
A part of you may want to completely start fresh and let go of the lifestyle, expectations, and responsibilities you’ve taken on. And another part of you can tell that if you put in a bit more work, with perhaps a different and more effective strategy, you can surprise yourself with what you accomplish. Which path will you choose? Will you stay on this course or re-route  altogether? 

The moon spends time in Capricorn Wednesday through Friday, and around these days you may have an epiphany — yes, you may be going through an existential crisis of sorts, but you don’t have to go through it alone.

Now that Saturn’s in Pisces, and Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in its final degrees of Capricorn (activating your partnership sector), you’ll realize how deeply loved and supported you can be. The question now is: will you allow yourself to be? ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, so much is shifting in your relationships this week as you adjust to Saturn’s new placement in Pisces, which is activating your sector of depth, wisdom, and intimacy. You may find that your circle’s getting smaller as we move through the month, but you’re also being more intentional about who you share your energy and resources with, and that discernment will pay off in the long run.  

Use the Sag moon on Monday and Tuesday to imagine the best case scenario for your life, even if you’ve been faced with challenges or plot twists. Then, Wednesday through Friday, the Capricorn moon encourages you to create greater structure in your daily routine, though you may resist doing so at first.  

By this weekend, the Aquarius moon lights up your partnership sector, encouraging you to say yes to out-of-the-box dates — either with yourself, or with others. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, this final full week of Pisces season has you reflecting on what you really want from your relationships. Chances are, you’ve been telling yourself you’re ready for deep, soul-merging intimacy, but as soon as it comes your way you find a reason to push it away, due to your impossibly high standards. Why are you doing this, Virgo? Really be honest with yourself about this. What are you running away from? 

Now that Saturn is in Pisces, further activating your sector of marriage until 2026, you really have no choice but to face your fears, insecurities, past pains, resentment, and disappointments in love.  

But you’re also encouraged to dream of what would happen if you allow yourself to trust the love that exists within yourself, and the love that others want to pour into you.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, as we approach Aries season, you’re starting to feel even more deeply connected to the energy of Jupiter, the planet of luck, currently being in the sign of Aries — activating your sector of partnership and marriage. As much as you’re known as the sign of partnership, this week you’re likely to be reflecting on ways to be a better partner to your own self first.  

Monday and Tuesday, the Sag moon activates your communication sector, so if there’s something you’ve been wanting to get off your chest at work, at home, or in your relationships, use the audacious energy of the Sag moon to do so — just make sure to choose your words wisely.  

Once the moon shifts into Capricorn on Wednesday, you may feel more stubborn and anxious about what’s on your to-do list. Break things down into manageable action items rather than focusing on the entire forest. The step-by-step approach will serve you well.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, this final full week of Pisces Season highlights your sector of fame, fate, true love, and creativity. Make sure you give yourself ample time to create, to have fun, to make love (either with yourself and/or others), and to let loose.  

Last week’s Virgo full moon had you taking life quite seriously, and now this final stretch of the sun in Pisces wants you to remember that life can be as simple, and as silly, as we allow ourselves to be. The Sag moon on Monday and Tuesday helps infuse more laughter in your life. 

Wednesday through Friday, the Capricorn moon activates your communication sector and makes you more business-focused. Whatever tasks you’ve been avoiding should be addressed  — especially if they’re the type of initiatives that you know will pay off in the long run.

Cut-off self-sabotaging tendencies when it comes to growing your legacy, Scorpio. There’s so much for you to experience on the other side of your comfort zone.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the moon starts off in your sign as this final full week of Pisces season kicks off, and this amplifies the Jupiterian energy in the cosmos. You’re feeling driven, ambitious, daring, and bold, and this feeling will propel you to great heights in your career, and in any creative field you embark in. 

Mid-week, the Capricorn moon shines a light on your finances. Chances are that during Mars’ lengthy transit in Gemini you’ve been overly optimistic about spending and spreading your wealth, and it may be time to rein things in a bit, and create greater structure and stability in your finances. This won’t happen overnight though, so give yourself grace.  

This weekend, the Aquarius moon encourages you to let your inner weirdo take the lead. Spend time doing activities and having conversations that throw you, and everyone around you, out of your comfort zone.  

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, how are you feeling now that Saturn, your planetary ruler, is in Pisces? This transit is here until 2026 to help you lean into softness, while still maintaining necessary boundaries. Building boundaries with love — that’s what you’ll be focused on this week.  

Monday and Tuesday’s Sag moon encourages you to cultivate more humor while on your spiritual journey. Even if you’ve hit rock bottom, think about how funny some of your experiences were along the way (this doesn’t apply to traumatic experiences). This mindset will help expand your consciousness, and you’ll be more receptive to Saturn in Pisces’ mutable  lessons.  

Wednesday through Friday, the moon in your sign helps you process some of the  conversations and epiphanies you experienced during last week’s Virgo moon.

You’ve had time to process what’s come up for you, and now you can more effectively vocalize your concerns, desires, and aspirations — starting with your own self first.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, this week is all abut reimagining. Now that your planetary ruler Saturn is in Pisces, you’re encouraged to let go of the strict standards you tend to uphold, and enter more of a dream-like state, one where you can completely start from scratch.  

This will at first feel foreign to you. But remember that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is preparing to enter your sign on March 23, meaning you may be more open to complete renewal than you initially think. 

The moon shifts into your sign this weekend, allowing you to decompress and reflect on what you’ve learned during the first half of the month. With the astro new year beginning next week, this is the time to drop the dead weight — but that means facing whatever psychological  burdens you’ve held on to, consciously or unconsciously, and bravely choosing to release them.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, this last full week of your solar season will have you feeling both sentimental and nostalgic. But now that Saturn, the teacher planet, is in your sign until 2026, you have plenty of  time to learn cosmic lessons and adjust to life’s increasing pressure. You’d benefit from celebrating yourself in whatever way feels best to you, especially while the moon spends time  in your fellow Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius at the start of the week.  

Mid-week, the Capricorn moon activates the energy of Pluto’s final stretch in Capricorn — this helps you feel organized and structured after a period of feeling like you were free-falling. Use Wednesday through Friday to tackle tedious tasks instead of procrastinating. 

This weekend’s Aquarius moon activates your spirituality sector and you may feel inclined to connect with fellow healers in a community setting. Follow that calling, because you could meet dynamic individuals who help you further ascend. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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