Your April Horoscope Is Here – Relationships Are Changing

Welcome to April! Eclipse and retrograde season is upon us, and now that Pluto – the planet of transformation – is spending its first full month in Aquarius in over 220 years, we’ll collectively feel electric, innovative, forward-thinking and revolutionary. 

With Mercury entering Taurus on the 3rd, followed by the Libra full moon on the 6th, we’ll be under a deeply Venusian influence during the first week of April, making relationship matters a greater priority. Mars’ presence in Cancer all month long adds a whimsical and nostalgic undercurrent to Aries and Taurus season, encouraging us to rest. 

On the 11th, Venus shifts out of its home sign of Taurus and enters the versatile sign of Gemini. During this three-week transit, we may be in the mood to switch up our style, and perhaps even to ask for more space in our intimate relationships and friendships. 

The highlight of the month is the new moon total annular solar eclipse in Aries which  strikes on the 20th. This takes place one day before Mercury retrograde begins, and one  month after the first Aries new moon of the year occurred. This first solar eclipse of 2023  offers us an opportunity to reflect on the new moon intentions we set at the start of the astro new year and make necessary revisions or adjustments based on our current needs. 

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, what if you chose to view yourself as the cosmic favorite and truly acted  accordingly? Last month you experienced the start of the astro new year, combined with an energizing new moon in your sign. This month, a solar eclipse in your sign strikes on the 20th, further revolutionizing the way you move through the world. 

But before we get there, the Libra full moon on the 6th activates your sector of partnership and marriage, and brings a relationship matter to a culmination. Either you’ll find yourself deepening your romantic and creative connections around this full moon, or you may be called to let go of what’s not working, with a spirit of healthy detachment.  

Venus’ entrance in Gemini on the 11th highlights a need for you to communicate your needs more freely, perhaps by tapping into your sense of humor and embracing the spirit of flexibility instead of stating a list of demands.  

You’ll be glad you took the lighter approach in the first half of the month, because once the solar eclipse in your sign strikes the 20th, on the same day as the start of Taurus season, and one day before the start of Mercury retrograde in Taurus (which activates your sector of money), you’ll notice yourself taking your life journey much more seriously. By month’s end, you may feel like a completely new person altogether. Get clear on what you want that  new version of yourself to feel, experience, and welcome into their life.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, this is an epic month for many reasons, but one of the most clear astrological shifts that you’ll feel is Mercury’s entrance into your sign on the 3rd of April. Mercury remains in your sign until the 11th of June due to its retrograde that begins the 21st. Your mission this month is to slow down and pay attention to your subconscious thoughts. Observe which ones make you uncomfortable, and which ones you’re yearning to express. 

On the 6th of April, the Libra full moon helps you approach your health and wellness journey with greater self-compassion. Even if you’re not exactly where you’d like to be on your fitness journey, tap into the relatively new energy of the astro new year to strategize and create a game plan — try to get started in the first half of the month, because eclipse  and retrograde season may have a destabilizing effect on you.  

The first solar eclipse of the year strikes in Aries on the 20th, and four hours later the sun enters your sign and your birthday season begins. Your birthday season starts off on a fiery note due to the eclipse being so closely tied to Taurus season, so if you notice yourself having less patience or being more spontaneous, that’s most likely the reason.

These next six months will help you reflect on your relationship with your spirituality — the more you tend to your inner world, the more your garden will bloom.  

Once Mercury retrograde begins in your sign on the 21st, you may find yourself retreating into hermit mode, even if those around you want to celebrate and serenade you. You may be a sign of extremes, but this month you’re invited to cultivate a sense of balance between staying in and going out. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Gemini, how are you feeling now that Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in your fellow air sign of Aquarius for the next three months? The month of April is all about radicalizing your lifestyle by allowing yourself to do more of what you want, even if it’s completely different than what’s expected of you.

The Libra full moon on the 6th activates your sector of fun, fate, and true love, encouraging you to let your lover(s) in on what you want from the connection or how you feel about them.  

This month, Geminis will find themselves adjusting to Mars, the planet of action, no longer being in their sign. Now that it’s spending all month in Cancer, Gemini’s sector of money, security, and self-esteem is activated, encouraging Geminis to approach their financial journeys from an intuitive and emotion-based lens. Instead of looking into the most practical ways to grow their wealth, they’re encouraged to tap into their subconscious mind and let their inner child tell them where they should direct their time, attention, and resources. Once Venus, the planet of love and magnetism, enters your sign on the 11th, other beings may be drawn to you like bees to honey — it’s up to you to be discerning of  who you let in your orbit, and why.  

The solar eclipse in Aries strikes on the 20th, the first day of Taurus season. Your focus will be on your friendships with this super-charged new moon, as well as your spirituality  sector. Choose to cultivate connections with people who make your nervous system and your spirit feel a sense of ease, trustfulness, and peace. Once Mercury retrograde begins on the 21st, you’ll be glad you weeded out the distractions and energy drainers. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, Mars, the planet of action, spends the entire month of April in your zodiac sign. If all you do this month is rest, meditate, hydrate, and stretch, you will have been successful. But at the same time, with Jupiter, the planet of luck, spending its last full month in the sign  of Aries, a part of you feels like there’s unfinished business for you to tend to. Balance is key.  

The Libra full moon on the 6th highlights a need for healthy emotional detachment from matters related to home and family — perhaps you’ve let past hurts or deceptions close you off, and you’re now being offered an opportunity to breathe through your valid emotions, while also making choices that are in better alignment with what your spirit really needs. Venus’ entrance into Gemini on the 11th further lightens up your emotional landscape by reminding you that laughter can be a form of spiritual medicine.  

Once the Aries solar eclipse strikes on the 20th, your career takes center stage. Within the next six months you may achieve a significant professional milestone, but this is likely to happen if you take time to plant your seeds of intention during the final ten days of April. 

There’s no need to rush through this intention-setting process though, especially once Mercury retrograde begins in Taurus on the 21st, activating your sector of friendship. It’s time to observe the way you show up for your friends, and notice how they show up for you. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, you’ll be in the mood to speak your mind at work as the month of April begins.  Mercury’s entrance into Taurus on the 3rd activates your career sector, allowing you to  experiment with more dramatic ways of getting your point across. Three days later, the Libra full moon reminds you that taking the “my way or the highway” approach may  backfire — it may be wiser to cultivate the spirit of diplomacy and flexibility instead. 
Venus enters Gemini on the 11th and highlights your sector of friendship and social  networks. If you have an event to produce or a passion project to launch, Venus’ presence in Gemini will help rally the masses in support of your endeavors. The key is to not spread yourself too thin in the process.  

Taurus season begins the 20th, a few hours after the first solar eclipse new moon of the  year occurs, in the sign of Aries. You may feel a sense of adventurousness and  restlessness under the Aries solar eclipse — it’s best to stay mentally and physically active. Avoid booking flights or scheduling important operations at the end of April due to  Mercury’s three-week retrograde in the sign of Taurus. Focus instead on simplifying your  lifestyle and intentionally slowing down.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, with your planetary ruler Mercury entering Taurus on the 3rd of April, you’ll be  reflecting on ways you can broaden your horizons, either through literal travel or through a psychological exploration of new avenues, topics, or interests. The Libra full moon on the 6th lights up your sector of money, security, and self-esteem — you may find that once you release your urge to always be in control of your finances, more opportunities for sustainable wealth will naturally flow into your life, especially when it comes to your creative gifts.  

Venus’ entrance into Gemini on the 11th brings out your more social and fun-loving side, as does the rest of Aries season. Once the Aries new moon solar eclipse strikes the 20th, you may have a fated encounter with a romantic partner who sees you in ways that at first deeply shock you. These next six months may be a romantic roller-coaster for Virgos, but deep down, you may have been seeking such electrifying thrills.  

Taurus season starts a few hours after the solar eclipse, and one day later Mercury, your planetary ruler, begins its three-week retrograde in Taurus. The first half of the month may  have been about taking risks, but the final ten days of the month are about integrating key lessons and recalibrating.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, the full moon in your sign occurs the 6th of April, and you’ll feel the influence of this lunation as soon as the month begins. What is it that you have yet to release when it comes to the way you view yourself, Libra? Think back to where you were in life  September 25, 2022, when the Libra new moon took place in your sign. This month is  about celebrating your evolution, grieving your losses, and taking stock of all that is to  come.  

With Mars, the planet of action, now in the sign of Cancer for the next five weeks, you’ll be reflecting on what you really want from your career. You may be an intellectual air sign, but this watery influence will encourage you to take an emotionally-led approach to decision making. If it lights you up when you think about it, it’s meant for you to pursue. But if you  feel drained at the thought of doing it, it’s meant to be released.  

The solar eclipse new moon in Aries on the 20th lights up your partnership sector,  encouraging you to embrace radical change when it comes to who you love, how you love, and why you love yourself and others.

Taurus season begins that same day, further  activating your sector of merging, and encouraging you to tap into your current or potential partner’s subconscious needs, perhaps by being transparent and clear with each other about your mutual desires.

Mercury’s retrograde in Taurus begins the 21st, so you’ll have plenty of time to sort through the intense emotions coming up for you at month’s end.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Now that your planetary ruler Pluto is in the otherworldly sign of Aquarius, you can manifest your dreams by choosing to have faith in what you have yet to experience. Your sector of expansion and philosophy is activated by Mars in Cancer, and on the 6th the Libra full moon highlights your sector of spirituality, and closure. This blend of cardinal energy opens you up to diverse modes of healing and connection — you may be called to start a meditation practice or to take your yoga journey more seriously. Your planetary ruler Pluto spends its first full month in Aquarius since 1798, so your ability to emotionally detach will increase in ways that initially surprises you and those around you. 

Venus’ presence in Gemini from the 11th of April to the 7th of May activates your sector of  mergers and outside resources, encouraging you to talk to financial experts about ways to maximize your wealth and create generational abundance.

Romantically, this transit could have Scorpios going back and forth between what they think they want, and what they  actually need. Take your time to check in with your emotional responses to people you connect with. If it feels overwhelming, it’s your sign to slow down and take a breather.  

Once the Aries new moon solar eclipse strikes at 12:12am EST on the 20th, followed by the start of Taurus season four hours later, many of your priorities will shift, particularly we it comes to your creativity. If you’ve been creating work to benefit others more than  yourself, you’ll have a wake-up call during the final ten days of the month, and you’ll be invited to redirect your artistic and romantic energy toward your own self first and foremost. With Mercury retrograde in Taurus starting on the 21st, the more you look within yourself for answers, the more efficiently you’ll be able to communicate your needs to others. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius, this month you’re experiencing Jupiter’s final full month in the sign of Aries,  and Pluto’s first full month in the sign of Aquarius. As a mutable fire sign, you tend to  embrace change rather than run from it. As the month begins though, Mercury’s presence in Taurus helps you cultivate a greater curiosity for the change happening internally. What new seeds of consciousness can you plant around the Libra full moon on the 6th of April? This month is filled with electric activity within and around you, and Mars’ presence in Cancer is encouraging you to slow down and truly take in the transmutation.  

Venus enters your opposite sign of Gemini on the 11th of April and remains there until the 7th of May. This is a prime time for dating if you’re single, as well as infusing more adventure and spontaneity into any current partnerships. The one caveat: you may feel more indecisive or all over the place with the combined energy of Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Gemini, and once the Aries new moon solar eclipse strikes on the 20th it’ll infuse even more novelty into your love life. Remember the value of quality over quantity, Sag. 

Mercury’s retrograde on the 21st coincides with the start of Taurus season, encouraging  you to not bite off more than you can chew. End the month in the spirit of gratitude and  self-reflection.  

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, this month may initially feel disorienting for you, as Pluto, the planet of  transformation, has left your sign and is now spending its first full month in Aquarius. Both you and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn, the planet of challenge, and currently Saturn’s in Pisces, encouraging you to tune into your sensitivity and intuition above all. It’s not that you’ll necessarily miss Pluto’s presence in your sign, but rather that you’ll notice a  significant shift in your reality now that Pluto’s in Aquarius, activating your money and security sector. Money may suddenly not hold the same value for you as it previously had. 

Around the full moon in Libra occurring on the 6th of April, you may have an awakening about what you really want to be doing professionally and creatively, and since eclipse season begins on the 20th, along with the Aries new moon solar eclipse, chances are that you’ll initiate a bold, brand new beginning when it comes to the work you’re known for.  

The one caveat: Mercury, the planet of communication, begins its retrograde in the sign of Taurus on the 21st, so whatever new projects you launch this month should be thoroughly reviewed and test-launched to avoid any mishaps or errors.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, how are you adjusting to Pluto’s newfound presence in your sign? The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1798, and it’s now here until June 11, 2023 (then it’ll return to your sign for 20 years starting in early 2024). This month you’ll be exploring your manifestation abilities, particularly around the Libra full moon on the 6th of April. Much of your life experiences, thoughts, and visions will feel like the epitome of the expression “ask  and you shall receive.” 

Venus’ presence in Gemini starting April 11th helps you lighten up when it comes to social engagements. Yes, it’s true, you may not always have felt understood when you shared some of your radical and futuristic visions with others, but this transit helps you find your people, your crew, your like-minded wizards. When you put your minds together, infusing empathy and compassion due to Mars’ presence in Cancer this month, you’ll be amazed at what you and your team bring forth.  

For you, Aquarius, this month is about cultivating intentional community through reflecting on people who’ve stuck by your side for the long haul. Taurus season — combined with Mercury’s retrograde in Taurus starting the 21st — is likely to help facilitate that process of remembrance and gratitude. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, the month of April invites you to explore consistent ways of communicating your needs to yourself, and to others. Mercury’s presence in Taurus starting the 3rd of April helps you get clear about what your values are, just in time for the harmonizing Libra full moon to strike on the 6th. This lunation activates your sector of depth, intimacy, and outside resources — you may connect with an influential figure or artist during the first half of the month, and they could help you financially and creatively.  

Venus, the planet of love, enters Gemini on the 11th, and this fellow mutable energy  encourages you to be more flexible and open-minded in your intimate connections,  particularly when it comes to family. You’re presented with an auspicious opportunity to  heal past wounds and openly discuss family secrets that previously were bypassed. 

Once eclipse season begins the 20th, the Aries new moon solar eclipse will kick-start a  six-month cycle of wealth-building and abundance consciousness in your life, making it an ideal time to look into financial workshops, ask for a raise, or launch an entrepreneurial project — just make sure it’s something you’ve been planning for a while, because it’s best to not initiate anything brand new during Mercury retrograde, which begins the 21st of April and lasts until the 14th of May.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Pluto Is Back In Aquarius After 225 Years

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Goodbye, Winter: The Spring Equinox Is Here

Original Article Source

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