There is truly, truly not a more humbling being on earth than a toddler. They’ll yell at you, tell you when your breath stinks, and point out every single pimple visible to the naked eye. And when they get a hold of the camera on your phone, well, forget about it. Which is why this amazing viral video from funny TikTok mom Emily Haswell is a must-watch. It’s a compilation of all the photos her 1-year-old daughter snaps of her while she’s getting her diaper changed.

And it’s gold. Or, as Haswell says, it’s “beautiful” to see yourself through your child’s eyes.

“Hi, I let my one-year-old hold my phone while I change her diaper in order to keep her still,” Haswell begins. “Let’s review some of the photos she’s taken.”

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Right off the bat, we’ve got the classic downward angle that absolutely no one needs to see of themselves.

“This is the first photo that Sadie took where I really felt like she had some potential,” she says during her “analysis.”

“You can just see how she captured the moment that I opened the diaper and just lost all hope. My eyes, there’s no light in the eyes, hands down by the side, just complete defeat and I think Sadie really captured that perfectly.”

The second image was clearly taken while her daughter was in motion, likely protesting the diaper change itself. Haswell deems it “early work, very amateurish, very blurry.” LOL.

“I do like the story that the motion down here is telling because you can see that I am grabbing her foot in order to not get her to smear it in her own feces,” she says.

Moving on to a screenshot from a video Sadie somehow managed to record, Haswell says she’d like to commend her daughter for capturing “the moment where I realized just how far we are from potty training.”

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Sadie didn’t stop there, however. Her work really matured in the last image, a very artsy snap of her mom—is it zoomed out? Good work, Sadie—mid-diaper change.

“Look at the juxtaposition between the sad woman changing the diaper and the unused bassinet full of laundry. I mean, chef’s kiss,” she concludes.

Still baskets of fruit are so yesterday. Now we’re all about the still baskets of laundry that sit for so long, you have to re-wash the clothes again before you ever put them away. (No? Just me?)

Regardless, it’s just an incredibly funny video that so many of us can relate to. And if you found this entertaining, you should really follow Haswell. She’s known for lots of witty content, including this little ditty about older celebrity men who prey on much younger women and girls:

Come for the mom content, stay for the overall entertainment!

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