
The company L’Oreal announced that they aim to provide all-natural makeup products by the year 2030. L’Oreal owns Maybelline as well as Lancôme, and each of these brands will participate in providing sustainable makeup products to be sold in stores. It has become a beneficial trend to use less plastic and monitor individual ecological footprints and now large corporations are doing the same. As influencers in the media promote more sustainable brands, audiences will pay attention to what is popular and follow in their footsteps.

According to Elle Business (2021), “L’Oréal said over the next 10 years, 95 percent of the ingredients across all its brands and ranges would come from plants and flowers that can be renewed or replanted, and minerals that can be found in abundance, up from around 70 percent now.” Although this may seem like an easy fix, a large amount of effort and dedication will be necessary to complete this project in order for real change to happen within the makeup industry.

By: Sarah White and Alexandra Huson

(Read full article at Elle Business)