In the blurry minutes before you send your kid off to school, you might be scrambling to put something in their lunch box. Things are not what they seem at the crack of dawn, and this dad learned that the hard (hilarious) way.

Will Myers uses his TikTok account, @moneymanmyers, to post about financial tips. But recently he posted about an epic parenting fail. Myers sent his son to school with a can of Guinness. That’s right, he put a can of beer in his child’s lunch box.

“Welp, I’ve got to go pick up my kid from school today because I made a big mistake,” he begins.

“Whenever my son was born, the best advice I got was ‘you know more than you think you do,’ but today is not that day.” Then he shows us why. Myers switches the camera to show two black cans with gold writing on the table. They might look similar but, boy, oh boy, they couldn’t be further apart.

One is a can of Guinness and another is a can of Liquid Death, a sparkling water brand.

“You see, one of these is sparkling water and he likes for me to pack that in his lunch, because it’s awesome,” Myers explains. “One of these is not sparkling water, although it looks like the sparkling water can, it is not sparkling water.”

So, I guess you’re never too old to be called into the principal’s office! It’s a #dadfail on another level. But, can you blame the guy? What have you accidentally put in your child’s lunch box? There are days when the lunch is packed the night before. Then there are rushed mornings when you’re half asleep and tossing in two juice boxes. It happens.

“Therefore, I have to go pick up my kid from school and try to explain this situation,” he ends.

This relatable situation had comments pouring in from parents and teachers sharing hilarious stories.

“A kid brought in a can of White Claw thinking it was regular sparkling water too 😅

“I sent two packs of cigarettes in a bag of paper plates and napkins to my daughter’s class 😭😂

“lmfao…today I sent my child with his brother’s diaper bag instead of his book bag and had to rush to his school to switch the bags…parent fail!🤣

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