Considering sleep training? Bookmark these stories

Getting your little one to sleep when you want them to should be considered an Olympic sport. Whether they’re 8 months old or 2 years old, the sleep struggle is real. Thankfully, there are methods, such as sleep training, that might prove useful for your family.

Sleep training is a singular journey. So, what worked for your first child may not necessarily work for your second or third. But, we all know sleep success is so important for your baby’s development and your sanity. If you’re considering sleep training, check out Motherly’s top sleep training stories to bookmark and read through at your leisure.

Motherly’s 11 top sleep training stories to bookmark

1. Our journey through sleep training

One mom writes about the different methods she tried to get her baby sleep trained. And why, ultimately, none of them worked for her child. For those sleepless nights and long days, read about how one mother comes to terms with her child’s sleep journey. Read about a personal sleep training essay here.

2. Sleep training advice from the stars

One of the top sleep training stories features sleep training stories from the stars. Well, here are the tidbits your favorite celebrity moms, such as Hilary Duff and Chrissy Teigen, have shared about their own experiences with sleep training. Read about how celeb moms got their babies to sleep here.

3. Dr. Harvey Karp’s 6 secrets

The renowned Dr. Harvey Karp shares his secrets on toddler sleep training. From creating a special bedtime routine to empowering parents with essential tools, here’s what you need to know. Read about expert approved sleep training methods here.

4. Gentle sleep training

You’re ready to start your sleep training journey but you’re probably wondering, what is gentle sleep training? Here’s what you need to know about sleep training, gentle sleep training and how it worked so well for one mama and her kids. Read about gentle sleep training here.

5. How I became a better mom after sleep training

One mom shares how sleep training her kids helped her become a better mom. Plus, she reveals the value of self-soothing, the benefits of life-long sleep skills and why a better night’s sleep is in everybody’s best interest. Read about how sleep training changed one mama’s motherhood journey here.

6. Gentle sleep training saved my marriage

If you’ve got colicky babies, you’re running on little to no sleep and you’re dealing with stress from work, then what do you have left for yourself or your partner? One mom explains how gentle sleep training resulted in kids who love their bedtime routine and parents who had more time for each other. Read about how gentle sleep training helped this mom’s marriage here.

7. Why is sleep training so hard

One mom writes about the ups and downs of sleep training. No one prepares moms for just how hard training your child to sleep can be. And sometimes we need a little reminder that throughout the hard times, it’s important to be gentle on yourself. Read about this mom’s sleep training trial here.

8. Getting your child to sleep isn’t luck, it’s you

Luck has nothing to do with it. One mom writes about how the struggle to sleep train your kids isn’t actually seen by other people so when they say something like, “you’re lucky,” what they don’t see is all of the long nights you put in to get to where you are. Read this personal essay about how one mom achieved sleep training through hard work.

9. 10 products to help baby sleep

The mamas at Motherly recommend their favorite sleep products in one of the top sleep training stories. From sleep sacks to amazing books, they reveal the tried and true products that helped them through countless nights. Read about the best sleep products here.

10. Self-soothing secrets

One of the essential tools for baby’s sleep success is how to teach your baby to self-soothe. Self-soothing can give your child a lifetime of better sleep. Read about important steps to achieve self-soothing success.

11. When can you sleep train a baby?

I get it, you’re ready to sleep train your baby. But, when is your baby ready to be sleep trained? A baby sleep consultant discusses how old your baby should be before starting. Read about when you can sleep train your baby here.

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