We all have those lightbulb moments: the enlightening occasions when something that previously eluded your attention occurs to you, and you just get it. It finally sinks in. You fully realize, for the first time, whatever truth it was that had been all but staring you in the face. Sometimes, these epiphanies are as simple as realizing you’re tired AF of the PTA. Other times, they’re quite a bit more complex (like accepting the fact you probably never should have said “I do” a second time). Both types of lightbulb moments have value, though… just ask the moms who shared theirs in this week’s roundup from the Confessional.

Here, you’ll find an eclectic array of realizations, from playful to serious, minor to majorly life-changing. Do you have anything that’s hit you like a ton of bricks lately? If so, you can probably relate to this latest batch of secret admissions.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.


I need a sugar daddy.

Confessional #89258038

My kids get most of their fruits and veggies through pouches. I feel bad, but it is what it is for now.

Confessional #90314422

I love PTA and what it brings to the kids, but I f*cking hate all the work and last-minute chaos bullsh*t.

Confessional #89682219

I should have never gotten remarried.

Confessional #89526351

My ex-husband continually watches Frozen on our shared Disney+ account; I worry he’s mental.

Confessional #90575303

My bestie is talking about separating from her husband, and I’m kinda jealous.

Confessional #89439518

My husband is becoming radically more conservative, and it scares me.

Confessional #90846302

Preschool teacher here. Gentle parenting is making my job so much harder!

Confessional #89169303

At times, I wish I lived in another timeline where I am single and childless and only responsible for me.

Confessional #88942794

I wish I married rich. I’m so over working so hard and struggling still.

Confessional #89447726

Rediscovering my inner slut after filing for divorce is really fun 😬

Confessional #90121139

I married down and I regret it sometimes, which makes me feel horribly guilty.

Confessional #89311884

I want to have sex with my husband but don’t want to kiss him during it.

Confessional #89716686

I didn’t know the mean girls started in 5th grade. And it also included their moms.

Confessional #90000032

My mother is lying about her illness.

Confessional #89463228

I’m coaching my kid’s volleyball team, and the parents are the worst!

Confessional #90775715

I think youth sports is actually very unhealthy for our kids/families these days.

Confessional #90950927

This article was originally published on scarymommy.com.

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