TikTok hacks and the loyal TikTokers who post them are going on my list of “things to be grateful for” this year. From child safety hacks to breastmilk pumping hacks, these short videos have taught me more in just a few seconds than whole books have.

Related: This viral TikTok shows you exactly how period cups work (and why they can’t get lost!)

Well, here’s another life-changing viral TikTok hack. This one’s for all of the pregnant mamas or soon-to-be pregnant people out there. TikToker Miki, @Mikiraiofficial, posts about her life as a nurse. And this time she’s giving followers insider information about the rules behind taking things home from your hospital room.


#stitch with @ladafoolishness literally illegal. #nurse #advice

♬ original sound – Miki

The first part of the clip is a Dad packing the extra diapers and baby necessities that the hospital keeps stocked in the room. Set against the trending “Nobody’s gonna know” soundtrack, he looks at the camera with a conspiratorial look in his eye.

And, hey, if you’ve ever opened the drawers in your room (which, come one, who hasn’t snooped around?) they’re usually stocked chock full of whatever is required for your stay.

The TikTok hack video then switches to Nurse Miki giving us the information we’ve always wondered about never knew.

She starts off with, “You know that’s like illegal, right?” Before quickly adding that she’s just joking.

Miki then says, “I’m a nurse and I’m here to tell you that we have to throw away everything after you leave so you might as well take it home.”

Hello, useful information that you’ll use for the rest of your life. For those of us who haven’t already been doing this, this little tidbit can be a huge lifesaver.

Related: This viral TikTok is for everyone who hides their underwear at the OBGYN

And if you’re wondering if it only pertains to baby necessities then I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t. Just a few weeks ago, my Grandmother was in the hospital and the nurses put extra adult diapers in her room along with other bed pads and those giant hospital water cups with the convenient straw.

Before we checked out, the very nice nurse put all those extras in a bag for me and told me to take it home. Even though the nurse offered it up, I felt a little guilty for taking it all. Now I know that it’s totally OK!

This is the kind of tip that not only lets you be more sustainable by not letting things go to waste, but it also helps save you money.

And for new parents this hack is a total game changer when you think about the extra dollars you’ll be saving from grabbing leftover diapers or other needs before checking out. Especially since all those little things can add up so quickly.

If you’re not convinced, check out these comments that share the love for Nurse Miki’s wonderful viral TikTok hack.

“thank you for the info my wife is due in a couple weeks”

“When we brought our twins home the nurses bagged it all up for us! We were so thankful!”

“Oh good I’ve done that every time”

“our nurses packed it all up for us – they told us if we didn’t take it it would just get thrown away, and since we had twins, every little bit helped!”


Plus, if you’re interested about the nuances of this hidden rule then check out Miki’s other TikTok post that goes into further detail about it.


In honor of being on the front page of yahoo 2 years after i posted that video #hospital #hacks #nurse #secret

♬ original sound – ally_spamm02

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