4C Only hair care products
Photo Credit/Youtube

Black women and their hair is a story of pride, acceptance, love and ownership. A story and relationship that needs to be redefined in popular culture and current media. And 4C Only is just the brand to embody this change! 

The brand’s Chief Marketing officer quoted Audre Lorde when asked what inspired the brand: : “If I didn’t define myself, I would be crunched into other people’s fantasies for me and eaten alive.’

With simple, clearly labelled and vibrantly attractive packaging, this is a product range destined for coiled and curled greatness. 

Falling at the end of the texture scale, 4C hair has not seen the kind of media coverage, hair care industry share or even advertorial visibility that other hair types have. 

“We’ve done our research, and we know moisture and moisture retention is the primary key for our kinky hair friends. Firstly, our chemist is a kinky-haired Black woman, and when we partnered to search for ingredients, we didn’t limit ourselves to the ingredient profiles you usually see in hair care. We came with a fresh perspective that centered on 4C hair’s needs.” 

To read more from this interview with R29, visit https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/06/10537998/4c-only-natural-hair-products-brand

Hakim Faiz