Cosmic beings, the new moon in Taurus occurs on May 7 at 11:22 p.m. ET. This is the first new moon of spring, coming after the total solar eclipse on April 8. This is a point where we can set intentions and manifest the dreams that will lead us towards the future. 

The stellium of planets is in the zodiac sign Taurus. A stellium is where three or more planets are clustered together in a sign. In this case, those planets are the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus. This collection will bring contrasting energies. On one hand, we’ll feel encouragement from the universe to move toward our heart’s desire and to assist humanity. On the other, we might feel stuck. Stelliums can make us more rigid and stubborn in our views and it’s possible we will struggle to embrace the new. Fortunately, the presence of Uranus will allow us to adopt a fresh perspective and bring exciting views to our lives. 

With Saturn in Pisces strengthening the new moon, we may be limited at first; however, we need to use Saturn to utilize lessons from the past and to help us grow. Although Saturn is known for holding us back when it comes to impulsive decisions, we will find this beneficial overall. The austere planet enables us to make intelligent choices that can improve our present and future situations. The key is knowing where the boundaries are, having the knowledge to ignite our intuition, and the strength to be resilient when naysayers seek to dampen our goals. Blocking outside noise and listening to our hearts will lead us to success. 

The day before the new moon, Mercury and the centaur Chiron share a conjunction in Aries. This cosmic alliance will prove to be fruitful, as it gives us the motivation to let go of the past and start fresh. Remember Mercury is still in its retrograde shadow, clearing up the miscommunications from its retrograde period and the pre-retrograde zone until May 13. If anything needs to be said and dealt with from March 18, when Mercury entered the pre-shadow of its backward spin, now is the time to do so. The time has come to cultivate a new vision and journey; mending the recent past can help us thrive. This lunation is an excellent moment to let go and start afresh. The same applies to projects or endeavors left on the sidelines and the back burner. 

The asteroids Lilith, Ceres, and Vesta link up with the new moon. Lilith in Virgo focuses on rebellion and freedom that will allow us to think for ourselves and embrace our individuality. Ceres in Capricorn will make us feel as though we are on the divine path toward manifesting our efforts due to the support and encouragement we receive from others. Vesta in Cancer is urging us to access our emotions and to use our passions as a catalyst for success. Black Moon Lilith in Virgo is also present in the sky during the new moon, showing us how much we need to forge ahead with our path. 

The fixed stars Rigel and Haedus I connect with the new moon. Both fixed stars bring high ambition and help us attain our goals and this prosperous lunation will give us the incentive to excel. The caveat is that these stars can bring some uncertainty to our lives, meaning we must learn to go with the flow. This might be hard because the Taurian energy doesn’t like surprises. It will be helpful for us to remember to take matters as they come and to deal with life as it happens. There can be beauty and wonderment in not knowing what’s happening next. 

The new moon is a chance to plant seeds for the future and discover what sparks joy in our lives. It is vital to learn to live in the moment and to ignite the flame within by connecting with activities and people that make us happy. Taking a different direction might be difficult and risky, but venturing out of the mundane will help us find ourselves and our pleasures. 

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