Issa Rae hosting SNL
Photo Credit/Youtube

“I’ve always had an issue with the [assumption] that people of color, and black people especially, aren’t relatable. I know we are. “

Being Black in Hollywood is to endure the racist stereotypes of who and what Black people are and the limiting roles as a result. Even now, things are little better than they were a decade ago, but there are a few key people bringing change, Jo-Issa Rae Diop, aka Issa Rae is one of them.

First gaining attention in 2011 from her web series Awkward Black Girl, Rae has risen to new heights in the Hollywood machine. On the heels of that success, she wrote The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl in 2015, which was an in-depth, and hilarious recounting of Rae’s upbringing.

Issa’s childhood was spent in several very different places, from Maryland to Senegal and eventually the Windsor Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles. She attended King/Drew Magnet High School which is where she began to take acting seriously, from there she attended Stanford University. She felt the drama department was bland and decided to write and produce her own projects, and over time her YouTube series was created. Once The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl gained a large audience it wasn’t long begore HBO took notice, and thus Insecure was born.

Insecure launched on HBO in 2015 and from the very beginning it was clear that something unique was being created.  Too often Black people are represented as criminals, tied to violence and crime. The show represented Black people in a way that those of us who are Black recognize; lives not filled with crime but with the same desires and achievements and challenges as other American families. Rae uses her own experiences of growing up in LA as the basis for the series.

From the very first season of Insecure, Issa Rae’s notoriety grew, and she quickly became a game changer in television and storytelling by telling authentic stories and breaking barriers for Black talent. She has become a major trailblazer in the entertainment industry and has also extended her creativity beyond television with her company Raedio, which is described as a “creative entity for audio everywhere.”  As she approaches the final season of Insecure, Issa is creating new series and opportunities for Black entertainment professionals in Hollywood.

Issa’s rise and reach in the industry is inspiring, especially to those who have long been left out Hollywood. When offered a new 8-figure deal with Warner Media she made sure that she would have the power to bring in other diverse talent, as she once again shares Black stories and amplifies the voices of the underrepresented. Rae has not only created a place for herself but for other Black women in a white male dominated industry.

Issa has inspired many and continues to do so through her platforms and projects. From offering a masterclass for those interested in writing/filmmaking to holding contests for musicians to be placed on her shows, she is focused on creating vehicles that can help change the trajectory of a Hollywood that has long eschewed building a diverse and inclusive community.

Between her work ethic, creativity, and community, Issa Rae is one to watch as she continues to pave the way for all of those voices that have long been drowned out. Bravo.

By: Alexandra Shuford