How are you feeling after the Libra full moon? We’ll continue to feel the after-effects of this potent lunation until the 11th, and on that same day Venus shifts out of its home sign of Taurus and enters Gemini for four weeks. Our energies are starting to lighten up as we look at life from a multitude of perspectives rather than viewing everything as set in stone.  

This week we’ll also feel the pre-shadow effects of Mercury’s upcoming retrograde in Taurus, and the last quarter moon in Capricorn on 13 April will help us create much-needed structure in our lives in anticipation for the communication slow-down that we’ll collectively experience  starting next week.  

Spend this weekend evaluating ways that you can be of better service to the world, as the Aquarius moon aligns with Pluto, the planet of transformation, which is also in Aquarius, and encourages all zodiac signs to think of how their day-to-day actions affect the world at large.

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

With the moon in your fellow fire sign of Sagittarius as the week begins, your sector of adventure and expansion is lit up, intensifying your passions. Aries, this week you’ll feel motivated to tackle any project you’ve been procrastinating on — it’s a good time to do so, because Mercury retrograde begins next week and will slow down your momentum. 

On the 11th, Venus, the planet of love, enters Gemini for four weeks and activates your  communication sector. You’ll feel more free-spirited, flirtatious, and open-minded during this transit, making it an ideal time to say yes to platonic and romantic dates. 

This weekend’s Aquarius moon may inspire you to invite your friends on an unconventional adventure, and that’ll be exactly what your spirit needs. Say yes to regenerative activities!ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, your planetary ruler Venus leaves your sign on the 11th, and enters Gemini.

You’ll now be focused on diversifying your income stream, perhaps by taking on an extra job, or considering a career change altogether.  

The last quarter moon in Capricorn on the 13th will help you streamline your priorities and tackle practical tasks that can add greater structure and organisation to your life. Just make sure you’re saying yes to what feels emotionally stimulating, because you may get easily bored by anything else. 

Your mission this week is to not take yourself too seriously, Taurus. Tap into the energy of Jupiter’s final month in Aries and let yourself play, explore, and start fresh in whichever area of your life has felt stagnant. This weekend’s Aquarius moon will help you step out of your comfort zone and explore new ways of being and loving. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising


Gemini, are you ready to be the center of attention? On the 11th Venus, the planet of love, leaves Taurus and enters your sign for four weeks. This will flash you back to when Mars was in Gemini for 7 months.

Your magnetism and powers of manifestation increase during this transit, but you may also be more indecisive during this time, especially since we’re still feeling the aftermath of the Libra full moon. 

Starting the 13th, the last quarter moon in Capricorn activates your sector of depth, merging, and outside resources. You may have to initiate a difficult yet necessary conversation with someone who either owes you money or to whom you owe money.

It’s best to tackle these practical details now, because we’re already in the pre-shadow phase of Mercury retrograde, and starting next week, things may get messier when it comes to communication and money. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, how are you feeling after the Libra full moon? As the week begins, the Sagittarius moon motivates you to get active, especially if you’ve been deep in your feelings lately. Move your body, spend time in nature, and even yell out into the open air if you need to. The combination of the sun in Aries and moon in Sag will bring out a bolder and more confident part of your  personality. 

Once the moon enters Capricorn on the 11th (which is also the day that Venus enters Gemini), you’ll feel a shift in your relationships, and in your own spiritual journey. You may need to retreat into yourself to examine what your needs are, and also be honest with yourself about when you’ve overextended yourself to keep the peace. 

This weekend, the Aquarius moon helps you cultivate emotional detachment when it comes to your financial journey. The wealth you want to build in your life won’t happen overnight, so whenever you feel anxiety creeping up, take it breath by breath. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, ever since Pluto, the planet of transformation, entered your opposite sign of Aquarius at the end of March, your relationships have been shifting significantly.

This week’s Sagittarius moon highlights your sector of dating and creativity on Monday and Tuesday, so be open to exciting  opportunities to get to know people who amplify your light. 

Mid-week, the Capricorn moon shifts your focus to a more psychological terrain. Whatever insecurities you’ve been dealing with privately may need to be expressed to someone you trust, or else you may feel strong sensations or isolation and loneliness under this lunation.

By this weekend’s Aquarius moon, your sunny disposition is likely to emerge once again, allowing you to connect with lovers and friends while also being healthily emotionally detached. Balance and transparency will serve as valuable life hacks. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, this is the last full week before your planetary ruler Mercury begins its retrograde in Taurus,  and you’re likely to already be feeling the pre-shadow effects of the retrograde. Make sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew this week, especially on Monday and Tuesday when the moon spends time in the expansive sign of Sagittarius. 

Mid-week, the last quarter moon in Capricorn adds more depth and practicality to your daily routine — it could also lead to your perfectionism being at an all-time high. Check yourself before letting your critical nature do you more harm than good. Use Venus’ newfound presence in Gemini to lighten up your mood and welcome in new experiences. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, this week you’ll still be feeling the effects of last week’s full moon in your sign. We’re officially in eclipse season, and on the 11th your planetary ruler Venus shifts out of Taurus and enters Gemini, which could lead to unexpected people and experiences coming to the forefront of your life.  
With Mercury retrograde beginning next week, it may be a good time to evaluate what your priorities are and why, or else you could easily get sidetracked. Use the Capricorn moon from Tuesday to Thursday to minimise the nonessentials and create a game plan for the month —  focus on simplicity and efficiency, and ask for help when you need it. 

This weekend’s Aquarius moon activates your sector of fate, adventure, and youth. If possible, spend time with children or tap into your inner child’s needs through letting your creativity shine through. Pick up a paintbrush, have a karaoke sesh with friends, or hit up your crush and tell them  to come through and chill.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, this week is all about keeping your eyes on the prize, but that could potentially be easier said than done once Venus enters Gemini on the 11th and activates your sector of merging and collaborations. People may be requesting your attention and energy left and right, but you’ll have to set firm boundaries to not disperse your resources. 

Mid-week, the last quarter moon in Capricorn helps you acknowledge the pent-up emotions within you that must be released and processed for you to truly feel liberated. Last week’s Libra full moon helped you clarify your emotions to yourself, but now that the Capricorn moon is activating your communication sector, it may be time to express your truth to others. Expect the best case scenario. 

This weekend is ideal for staying close to home, or to a body of water, as the moon’s presence in Aquarius stimulates your sector of domesticity and the past. With Mercury retrograde one week away, the slower and more intentional you are, the better life flows for you.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sag, the moon’s in your sign as the week begins, and with your planetary ruler currently in Aries, a part of you may be even more wild and carefree than usual. If you’re in the mood to play hooky from work or take a mental health day, do so — your inner child will thank you. 

Mid-week, the last quarter moon in Capricorn activates your money sector and helps you get clear about ways you sabotage your own wealth journey through overspending, or through being overly generous. Instead of beating yourself up about it, use the earthy energy in the cosmos to create a game plan for how to better manage your finances moving forward.

Now that you know better, do better.  
With Venus shifting into Gemini on the 11th, this weekend’s vibes are all about letting yourself flirt and be flirted with, as Venus in Gemini activates your sector of marriage and partnership. There’s no need to take yourself and others too seriously, especially as Mercury retrograde is about to begin — but make sure you’re treating your lover(s) the way you want to be treated.  

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, you’re in an introspective mood on Monday and Tuesday, as the moon’s presence in Sagittarius activates your spirituality and closure sector.

Chances are, you’re still reflecting on  lessons from last week’s Libra full moon, especially when it comes to letting go of control. If you find yourself easily triggered by other people’s energy or reactions, it may be a sign to indulge in solitude until you feel yourself again.  

Mid-week, the moon shifts into your sign, and your workaholic side may emerge. While this lunation is incredibly productive and motivating, it’s also essential that you aren’t using work as a way to bypass your very real, and very valid, emotions. The last quarter moon in your sign on the 13th encourages you to face yourself honestly — what have you been running from, and why? 

Things lighten up for you starting this weekend once the moon leaves your sign and enters Aquarius. An exciting and revolutionary way to make more money, while simultaneously increasing your self-esteem, is likely to appear. Enjoy these blessings instead of second guessing them.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, the moon’s in Sagittarius on Monday and Tuesday, lighting up your sector of friendship and social networks. When’s the last time you went on a vacation without your computer? This lunation will remind you of the importance of indulging in the soft life, even if part of you feels the  urge to be ultra productive under this Saturnian energy. 

The 13th, the last quarter moon in Capricorn helps you find practical and definitive ways to increase your income while tending to your spiritual wellbeing. With Pluto, the planet of transformation, getting settled in your sign for the next two months, you’re likely to be in high demand when it comes to work-related matters. But make sure that you’re saying yes to what you feel passionate about, and not what seems to be the most financially viable option.  

Once the moon enters your sign this weekend, all eyes, ears, and perhaps some lips will be on you. Embrace the limelight and attention rather than running from it.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, as the week begins, the Sagittarius moon activates your career sector, encouraging you to switch up your usual routine. Saturn’s presence in your sign is making you wiser, but also more sensitive, so make sure that you’re not letting other people’s demands get the best of you. Adopt  the pace that feels most easeful for you.  

This may be easier said than done, though, because on the 11th Venus, the planet of social connection, enters Gemini and amps up the amount of communication occurring externally and internally. Every time you start to feel the pressure to over perform, take a deep breath and meditate instead.  

Starting the 13th, the last quarter moon in Capricorn helps you take your relationship with yourself and others more seriously. You may be able to express your deepest needs without the need for words, and with the right people around you’ll feel deeply seen, supported, and loved. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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