The week ahead is bringing out all our emotions — the good, the bad, and the ugly. 

The Scorpio Sun connects with Neptune retrograde in Pisces on November 14 and Pluto in Capricorn on November 18. Neptune is adding emotion and Pluto is bringing growth to our lives, aiming to make us more emotionally mature. 

Mercury in Scorpio expands our minds when linking up with Pluto on November 14 and Jupiter retrograde in Pisces on November 16. Prepare yourselves for moments of enlightenment and psychic downloads from the universe. Mercury moves into fast talking Sagittarius on November 17, urging us to think before we speak in an effort to avoid problems with others. 

Hot blooded Venus in Scorpio is full of desire on November 13, when it shares a cosmic kiss with lusty Pluto. Two days later, Venus and Jupiter retrograde create a tender and empathetic vibe when they harmonize. Venus glides into fun loving Sagittarius on November 16, making our hearts want more excitement and passion. Be careful in how you spend money, as this placement can lead to expensive, generous gifts to friends and family. 

Mars retrograde in Gemini and Neptune retrograde square off on November 19, making us feel stuck, unsure, and ambiguous about the future. This transit can be challenging, which is why the best advice is to not dwell about the past or make plans — just be present to turn the aspect in your favor. 

With a little self-love and self-care we can get through the week. Remember to “float like a butterfly” through the tense times and to focus on healing yourself. 

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

A thirst for adventure and new knowledge will find its way to you this week, urging you to explore your passionate nature. If you’re having trouble seeking out inspiration in the world, then a chill meditation session can help open you up to messages and comfort from beyond the veil, especially if you’re having trouble connecting with the universe. Seeking guidance from within will give you major insights about your own personal aspirations and ignite the fire under your belly to attain them. As the week comes to a close, look for reasons to raise a glass with your nearest and dearest, and give yourself permission to dream big for the future. Exciting things are happening! Can you feel the energy changing in your favor?ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Watch your spending through the week, as your flamboyant habits are catching up with you. Be mindful of how generous you are with others as well and try not to invest too much time, energy, or money into someone who wouldn’t return the gesture. You don’t have to act like a baller if your bank account is constantly wavering and your savings are dwindling. And, people should understand that you aren’t a cash machine who churns out money constantly. The most important thing to accomplish this week is organizing your cash flow by creating a budget. Although it’ll be hard to hold back in purchasing extravagant items, you can temper your desire for luxury if you focus on the end result of your current plan.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Your world may be spinning out of control, making it hard for you to find your footing in personal affairs. Although you aren’t one to commit to consistency, it’s important to establish a routine (one that you can adhere to and isn’t out of reach) and make sure that you are adulting yourself in the proper ways. This could have a sobering effect on your life, as you’ll be moving towards making healthier decisions and establishing boundaries to protect your energy. Also, living within your financial means and having a nighttime regimen that urges you to responsibly take care of yourself. Sticking to a schedule is a big part of finding and maintaining balance and security to your life without any setbacks, distractions, or problems.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Mental and emotional burnout is holding you back from finishing projects at work — so much so that you’re finding yourself counting the minutes before you can end the day and slip into bed. With your irritability and exhaustion at a high, it’s easy to fall behind and snap at people. An effective way of dealing with these harsh sentiments is to ask for help with your workload. Don’t be a martyr and take on more than you can chew, a good leader knows when to delegate assignments before they begin to pile up and to know their limit. You won’t have work FOMO if you pass a gig on to a colleague — but you will have peace of mind. The choice is yours.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Embrace the things that make you unique and look for ways to unapologetically be yourself right now. While being the center of attention will come easily, be sure to set aside some time for romance and partnerships as well. This week brings the perfect celestial atmosphere for escaping with that special someone or your latest crush. These vibes will make you especially enigmatic and feel seen by others. Therefore, it’s important to be brave and not be afraid to share a flirty look with any attractive strangers you cross paths with. Also, you may want to be extra careful that you’re not falling for an unrealistic fantasy and try to avoid any people or situations that make you feel inferior or bring you down emotionally. ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Always listening to everyone’s problems is making you want to shift the focus away from them and back onto you. If you find that you’re asking “what about me?” after standing unconditionally by your besties without receiving anything in return, then it’s time to take center stage. Giving your energy now and again to others is great and kind, but it doesn’t mean you should let your friends’ problems consume and inundate your life. You’re not on call to listen to their problems and they should respect your limits. If you find them being extra pushy when you create space, it’s important to reconsider the terms and foundation of your relationship. After all, it’s your life. You should be the only main character in it.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

You will feel extra sensitive under the current cosmic climate, so be sure to pamper yourself if you need to. This week’s energy is great for ironing out any rifts within your relationships. It’s important to talk things out with others if your relationship hits a few bumps. Although it may take them a minute to listen to what you’re saying, your friends and loved ones will be apt to make amends quickly without arguing over the matter. On an intimate level, if you’ve been wanting to discuss your future with someone special, this week will help you connect over shared romantic sentiments and visions for the path ahead. Don’t hold back. Speaking from the heart is taking you to a place of genuine joy.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Love and lust will be at odds, juxtaposing and bouncing around different sentiments. Truth be told, it’s totally okay to let your primal side take the lead for a bit in the beginning of the week —  just be mindful that you’re not disregarding anyone’s feelings in the process. Your intuition will guide you toward the things you want now and bring a lot of clarity to your goals. A dreamy vibe will fall upon your heart, wanting to mediate and smooth out any unresolved issues within your relationships. This energy is also great for calling in peace and connecting spiritually within yourself. If you begin to feel overwhelmed by the emotions of those around you, take some time to ground and reconnect with your center.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

It’s time to reassess and rethink the peripheral of your career. You are finding that the career path you once envisioned for yourself isn’t shaping up the way you’d thought, making this time to reimagine the direction you want to go. Goals and aspirations change with time, so if you’re longing to switch gears — go for it! Think about what you’ve always wanted to accomplish. If there is a specific profession that has been an unobtainable pipe dream, now is the time to reach for the stars and try to make it happen in reality. With a little passion, gusto, drive, and hope there is nothing you can’t achieve. You’re known to be a dream maker — apply it to your life.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

The week is making you more reflective and introspective than ever. The energy here is great for diving deep to resolve issues from the past, allowing you to cut ties with memories or regrets that are no longer serving you. On a material level, the planetary shifts that dominate this week can help motivate you to purge your space of unwanted items that you no longer use — so do not shy away from compiling a box of items to give away to charity. The more space you create in your home, the clearer your mind and heart will be. Seasonal cleansing will do you a whole lot of good, as it’ll act as a release of stagnant vibes that are around and within you.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

It’s a favorable time to make investments that will last a lifetime or start financial planning for the future. Asking for advice from a trusted source regarding our finances will prove helpful, as they will be able to give you insight and information to the best ways in which you can boost your capital and dividends. On the emotional front, the astrological energy will bring new life to your romantic situations and partnerships. The caveat is that decision making may prove to be hard. If you find that it’s not a good time to move forward, discuss the investments before fully commuting making them. The lesson here is to slow down and to contemplate the best decisions even though you’re fired up to take action.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

You may find yourself reflecting upon all the relationships in your life. Although you’re not wanting to let go and move away from those you care about, you are deciding who deserves your attention at the moment. Friends come and go, but only a few select people will consistently prove their loyalty and love for you — no matter what obstacles are thrown your way. The lesson is to give your energy to those individuals, over the one who are not always there for you. Once you see who has your back and wants to help you evolve into the best version of yourself — it’ll be easy to understand why you should give them your all and consider them to be your truest pals.ILLUSTRATION BY BARBARIANFLOWER

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